Forum All-Stars

Congratulations to these All-Star members of THE WHITE HOUSE who have entered a contest in the LP Forum and WON!

MEMBER: Winter Violet

CONTEST: Club Name
TASK: Choose a club in LP and dress your lady according to the name.
WON: 1st Place - 10 energy & 30 emeralds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)
Representing ♡Animal Club♡

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
CONTEST: April's Fools - Lady Joker
TASK: Dress like a jokester or prankster.
WON: 2nd Place - 20 diamonds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
CONTEST: Partner Look
TASK: Create a matching look with your boyfriend or fiancé.
WON: 1st Place - 10 energy & 30 emeralds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Summer Solstice

CONTEST: Camping
TASK: Create a camping look.
WON: 2nd Place - 5 energy & a 15% popularity bonus
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Winter Violet

CONTEST: Wild West
TASK: Create a Wild West look.
WON: 1st Place - 10 energy & 30 emeralds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Summer Solstice

CONTEST: Rainy Day
TASK: Dress for rainy weather.
WON: 1st Place - 10 energy & 30 emeralds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Marvel vs. DC
TASK: Create a superhero and villain look.
WON: 1st Place - 30 diamonds
WINNING IMAGES: (shown below)

The Joker

MEMBER: Miranda K

TASK: Create a look based off the Contest Building in LP Town.
WON: 30 emeralds & $3000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)
The Gold Podium Trophy

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
CONTEST: Dog Days of Summer
TASK: Create a memorable summertime look.
WON: 2nd Place - 25 emeralds & $25,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Miranda K 
TASK: Dress up as the app you can't live without.
WON: 1st Place - 10 photo slots & $10,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)


MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Creative Valentine's Date
TASK: Pick a date theme and create an apartment scene.
WON: 4th Place - $10,000
ORIGINAL ENTRY IMAGE: (not available)

MEMBER NAME: Summer Solstice
TASK: Dress as any animal.
WON: 1st Place - $30,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Psychic Gypsy
TASK: Dress as any animal.
WON: 4th Place - $15,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
CONTEST: Betty Boop
TASK: Dress as Betty Boop.
WON: 3rd Place - $20,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Dead Celebrity
TASK: Create the look of a dead celebrity.
WON: 3rd Place - $20,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)
Amy Winehouse

MEMBER: Psychic Gypsy
CONTEST: Flags of the World
TASK: Dress in the colors of your country's flag.
WON: 3rd Place - 2 photo slots & $6,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)
United States of America

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
TASK: Create a look based on a LP club name.
WON: 3rd Place - 2 photo slots & $6,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)
RockNRoll Ladies

MEMBER: Summer Solstice
TASK: Create a look of someone who is sick.
WON: 1st Place - $30,000 & 20 emeralds
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Psychic Gypsy
CONTEST: Battle of the Shows (Lucifer)
TASK: Dress as the character "Charlotte Richards".
WON: 1st Place - $10,000 & 10 emeralds & 1 diamond
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Psychic Gypsy
CONTEST: Battle of the Shows (Lucifer)
TASK: Dress as the character "Lucifer".
WON: 1st Place - $10,000 & 10 emeralds & 1 diamond
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Battle of the Shows (Lucifer)
TASK: Dress as the character "Dan Espinoza".
WON: 1st Place - $10,000 & 10 emeralds & 1 diamond
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Aladdin
TASK: Dress as a character from Aladdin.
WON: 1st Place - $50,000
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)


MEMBER: Winter Violet
CONTEST: Bookworms
TASK:Dress your ladies as you favorite characters from your favorite book.

WON: 1st Place - 1 energy pack of 5 energy & $15000

WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

MEMBER: Drilonadonna
CONTEST: 1..2..3..Hide!!
TASK: Dress as a celebrity in disguise. 
WON: 3rd Place - 10 ems
WINNING IMAGE: (shown below)

Congratulations again on your achievements you guys, and for being so creative! Good luck goes out to all members of THE WHITE HOUSE in future LP Forum Contests. 

P.S. - Just a reminder to all members... Be sure to let me know if your LP name is different than your forum name.